Eleanor Taylor – Curious Landscapes and Creatures
Eleanor Taylor is an artist and illustrator residing in Brighton, England. She took a BA in Illustration at Norwich School of Art and Design and then went on to the Royal College of Art where she graduated with a MA in Communication Art and Design. Eleanor’s artworks are truly unique and thought-provoking. She works using a variety of different methods combining charcoal, ink, collage, paint and digital techniques. Taylor often mixes her oil-based pencil and graphite drawings with collage to create beautifully multi-layered illustrations. Simply cutting out pieces of her work and adding them by hand gives the pieces an extra sense of depth that you would not achieve pasting them digitally. She takes inspiration from medieval comics, environmental apocalyptic science fiction, modernist architecture and Hieronymus Bosch’s vision of the afterlife. Combine all these crazy elements into one and out comes strange looking sea creatures and male-female hybrids.