Aurora Robson – Be Like Water

Aurora Robson  is a multimedia artist. She has a degree in visual arts and art history from Columbia University. “Be Like Water” is made of 80,000 plastic bottle caps and 9000 discarded plastic bottles. Students at 7 public and private schools in Philadelphia assisted in collecting plastic bottle caps to use in the creation of this piece.

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Recrafted by NeSpoon

Recrafted is the latest exhibition by Nespoon.  She creates works that are somewhere in between street art, pottery, painting and jewelery. Nespoon covers social and political issues in her art. “Most of my work consist of prints of traditional laces, made in clay or painted on the walls. They are hand made, by the folk artists.”

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Sara Coleman – Magnetic Inversion

Sara Coleman is a multidisciplinary artist and designer with education in Plastic Arts, Pattern Technology Cutting, Costume Design for Cinema, Theatre and TV, Fashion Management and Experimental Fashion Drawing. Her professional career started working as a Pattern Designer in Roberto Verino, later she got into Textile Research and Experimental Techniques. Currently Sara is exploring textile materials, specializing in felt and knitted techniques […]

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Butterfly Art by Paul Villinski

Paul Villinski is a New York based artist, his work has been included in numerous exhibitions nationally. “Butterflies seem impossible. How can these ridiculously delicate creatures, apparently blown about by the merest breath of wind, actually fly many thousands of miles to migrate? How is it that an innate, intergenerational GPS guides them year after year to […]

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