Stunning Madness of Claudio Parentela’s Collages
Claudio Parentela is a painter, illustrator, photographer, cartoonist, collagist and freelance journalist born in 1962 in Catanzaro, Italy where he lives and works. At the beginning, he drew and painted only in black and white. During the past 4-5 years he felt the need of colours and new materials in his works and now, as you see, Claudio creates with everything he has in his hands. He believes in a process of constant remixing: the natural evolution of reality that surrounds and engulfs us, leaving a permanent state of shock. Mixing different impossible materials and searching for the right colours for that special, unique moment is what he adores. Claudio Parentela is essentially inspired by books, music, his own moods and feelings, and fashion. As the artist says, fashion is a world so fake and so real with so much madness; it is his world.
Art he creates is truly astonishing and one must be glad to come across his works. These collages reveal mixed emotions as they are anarchic, extreme, dreaming, twisted and simple, full of knots, shadows and lights.