George Chamoun – Iconatomy

George Chamoun - art

George Chamoun is a Swedish jewelry design student at the Konstfack University of Arts. He created a series of collages, titled Iconatomy, with the theme “movie icons” from two different eras.  His idea was not to make comparisons of any sort, but rather to emphasize the structural aspect as well as the existent similarities, in spite of the era. The project combines several themes and concepts such as ideals, anatomy and Hollywood patterns against the factor of time. At first glance color appears to have been spilled onto these images, but they fit so seamlessly that it takes a while to realize that two icons have been merged together – one from a black and white film, the other a 21st Century screen celebrity. George started out by trying to think which movie stars had similar features. The easiest couple was Marilyn Monroe and Scarlett Johansson. He just put the pictures together and everything fell into place. As the portraits speak for themselves, it is only left to say that when the magnetism of Elisabeth Taylor meets the charm of Angelina Jolie and the virility of Cary Grant is matched with George Clooney’s sexuality, the result can’t be anything but exciting.

George Chamoun - Angelina George Chamoun - Brad Pitt George Chamoun - iconatomy George George Chamoun - Scarlett and Monroe George Chamoun - w George Chamoun - natalie and audrey

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