Joseph Loughborough – Expressively Dark Faces

Joseph Loughborough - art

Joseph Loughborough is an amazing artist born in Portsmouth, currently living in Berlin. He creates stirring and beautifully grotesque pieces of art. Working mainly with charcoal on paper, Loughborough focuses on the expressive and impulsive execution of form and line that has become his trademark. Though the drawings seem to have dark overtones, they are revealing, honest and expressive. The faces are the most conspicuous parts of his work. It is usually the first thing we judge when we meet another person. Perhaps this is why he attempts to decompose faces in the hope that a truth will be revealed in their reconstruction. The drawings embody the grim side of human nature like fear, desire, anxiety, and sins. “Some of the pieces act like a personal exorcism through which I try to express, rather than deny, the emotions I encounter,” he says.


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