GIF art by DarkAngelØne

DarkAngelØne makes inspiring gif art, there’s very limited information about the artist on the internet. He has severely limited vision and uses various assistive devices to create these GIFs. In order to present his animated still photos in galleries, he creates video presentations enhanced with music. (via fubiz) httpvh://

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Ana Bossa – Lovely Ceramic Creatures

Ana Bossa is an artist residing in Lisbon, Portugal. She creates illustrations for children’s books, short animations, and very curious ceramic figures. She also enjoys merging all of these areas and their various techniques and concepts. She draws most of her inspiration from literature and art, or while observing society. Apparently, Ana is a perfect […]

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Ainslie Henderson – I Am Tom Moody

Ainslie Henderson is a stop-motion animator and director who graduated from the Edinburgh College of arts in 2012. His wonderfully sensitive stop-motion film, I am Tom Moody, looks into the mental turmoil of a musician who struggles with his anxiety and self-confidence on stage just before a performance. Being very sensitive and fragile, Tom with his […]

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