Boris Pelcer – Simple Vibes
Boris Pelcer is a freelance designer and artist living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He taught Figure Drawing for Illustrations at Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design and received his MFA in Graphic Design from University of Idaho. His works explore various creative fields, such as typography, lettering, painting, illustration, drawing, graphic design, branding, and art direction. His favourite mediums are acrylic and digital. Digital medium allows him to satisfy his desire for extreme and clean details, while acrylic allows him to capture and understand the value of hand rendered textures. The artist’s inspiration is a result of simple interactions, sensations and experiences that create fervent reactions in him. It could be a set of profound words, a piece of music or a gentle touch. Boris found a way to be content living in the world of creativity and ideas. His black and white “Nebula” drawings have given him a lot of satisfaction. “It encompasses the essence of how obscure existence can feel for me. At the same time there is something mystical and magical about it, like the notion I get by looking at a starry night,” he says.