Keiko McCartney – Beauty of Absurdity

Keiko McCartney - a tree

These striking and slightly bizarre photographs are taken by a Spanish freelance photographer Keiko McCartney. She is a 20-year-old student studying German Studies at university. When she was a child she used to see her father taking photographs. And these memories have motivated her to create something unusual and subtle. Music, cinema and literature are the biggest components of Keiko’s imagination. Her works are unique and extraordinary as she combines contrary elements and catches the perfect moment to make them flawless. She enjoys mixing magic with realism or beauty with absurdity. As the artist says, most of her ideas are the meaning of melancholy thoughts and longings. She likes to show the fears of human beings.

Keiko McCartney - beautiful Keiko McCartney - clown Keiko McCartney - feathers Keiko McCartney - hair Keiko McCartney - invisible Keiko McCartney - portrait Keiko McCartney - rabbit


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