Mica Angela Hendricks Collaborates with her 4-Year-Old Daughter

Mica Angela Hendricks - art

Mica Angela Hendricks is an American illustrator and graphic artist. She has created collaborative paintings with her 4-year-old daughter Myla.  One day, while her daughter was happily distracted in her own marker drawings, she decided to risk pulling out a new sketchbook she had special ordered. No longer had she drawn her first face when Myla saw it and insisted to draw a body on it. A mythical creature was born, with the face of a woman and the body of a dinosaur. Mica continues to collaborate with her daughter – she draws vintage and retro faces and the kid finishes the piece with her unpredictable imagination. After her daughter completes the drawing, Hendricks adds colors, highlights and textures. Their collaboration is very beautiful and amusing, where the contrasting styles perfectly complement each other.

Mica Angela Hendricks - daughter Mica Angela Hendricks - mermaid Mica Angela Hendricks - snail woman Mica Angela Hendricks - with daugter Mica Angela Hendricks - clown Mica Angela Hendricks - kid


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