Shinichi Maruyama – Motion and Spontaneity

Shinichi Maruyama - a nude body

Shinichi Maruyama is a Japanese photographer born in 1968 in Nagano. In High School he became immersed in mountain climbing. Shinichi found his inspiration in nature, wanting to preserve the stunning landscapes, he began taking photographs. Soon he began photographing liquid and subjects in movement. His creations are influenced by Japanese sense of beauty which can be found in the concept of “wabi-sabi” – beauty of imperfection and understated elegance; or in “ma” – the use of negative space, found in the design of a traditional rock garden as well as in the art of calligraphy. Shinichi captures the beauty of the human body’s figure and its motion. These images are created by combining 10,000 individual photographs of a dancer. He also throws the water into the air, and by changing its shape constantly, the water becomes a beautiful figure which can be defined as a “part man-made and part natural” sculpture.


Shinichi Maruyama - a nude dance Shinichi Maruyama - a nude sweeping bodyShinichi Maruyama - dancing body Shinichi Maruyama - gardens orange and yellow Shinichi Maruyama - gardens Shinichi Maruyama - kusho circle Shinichi Maruyama - kusho Shinichi Maruyama - water sculpture Shinichi Maruyama - water

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